Thursday, January 18, 2018

More on "Core Points"

A few additions to yesterday's post occurred to me belatedly.

First, it may be a good idea to check whether your alleged core point y0 is actually in the relative interior of the integer hull conv(Y). A sufficient condition is that, when you substitute y0 into the constraints, all inequality constraints including variable bounds have positive slack. (Equality constraints obviously will not have slack.) In particular, do not forget that nonnegativity restrictions count as bounds. If you specify 0yiui, then you are looking for ϵyi0uiϵ for some ϵ>0 (and ϵ greater than your tolerance for rounding error).

Second, while the presence of equality constraints will definitely make the feasible region less than full dimension, it can occur even in a problem with only inequality constraints. Consider a problem with nonnegative general integer variables and the following constraints (as well as others, and other variables): y1+y2+y32y2+y4+y54y1+y3+y4+y56 Although all the constraints are inequalities, the feasible region will live in the hyperplane y2=0, and thus be less than full dimension. This points to why I said the condition in the previous paragraph is sufficient rather than necessary and sufficient for y0 to be in the relative interior of the integer hull. In this example, there is no way to get positive slack in all three of the constraints (or, in fact, in any one of them) without violating the nonnegativity restriction on y2.

Yesterday, I listed a few things one could try in the hope of getting a core point y0 in the relative interior of the integer hull. Here are a few others that occurred to me. (Warning: I'm going to use the term "slack variable" for both slacks and surpluses.)
  • Tighten all inequality constraints (including variable bounds) and solve the LP relaxation of the tightened problem. (Feel free to change the objective function if you wish.) If you find a feasible solution y0, it will be in the relative interior of the LP hull, and quite possibly in the integer hull. Good news: It's easy to do. Bad news: Even a modest tightening might make the problem infeasible (see example above).
  • Insert slack variables in all constraints, including variable bounds. That means 0yiui would become yisi0yi+tiui where si0 and ti0 are slack variables. Maximize the minimum value of the slacks over the LP relaxation of the modified problem. Good news: If the solution has positive objective value (meaning all slacks are positive), you have a relative interior point of at least the LP hull. Bad news: An unfortunate combination of inequalities, like the example above, may prevent you from getting all slacks positive.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Finding a "Core Point"

In a famous (or at least relatively famous) paper [1], Magnanti and Wong suggest a method to accelerate the progress of Benders decomposition for certain mixed-integer programs by sharpening "optimality" cuts. Their approach requires the determination of what they call a core point. I'll try to follow their notation as much as possible. Let Y be the set of integer-valued vectors satisfying all the constraints that involve solely the integer variables. Basically, Y would be the feasible region for the problem if the continuous variables did not exist. A core point is a point y0 in the relative interior of the convex hull of Y.

I'll assume that any reader who made it this far knows what a convex hull is. That said, I should point out that the convex hull of Y is not the feasible region of the LP relaxation of Y. The feasible region of the LP relaxation is frequently termed the "LP hull", whereas the convex hull of Y is typically referred to as the "integer hull".  The integer hull is a subset (typically a proper subset) of the LP hull. Knowing what the integer hull is basically makes a MIP model pretty easy: solving a linear program over the integer hull yields the integer optimum. Since it's pretty well known that most MIP models are not easy, one can infer that in most cases the integer hull is not known (and not easy to figure out).

Mathematicians will know the term "relative interior", but it may not be familiar to OR/IE/MS people trying to solve MIP models. In Euclidean spaces, a point belongs to the interior of a set if there's a ball centered around that point and contained entirely in the set. In lay terms, you're at an interior point if you move slightly in any direction and not leave the set. In our context, that set is the integer hull, a convex polyhedron. The catch is that if the set is not full dimensional, there is no interior (or, more properly, the interior is empty). Picture the unit cube in R3 as the integer hull. The point y0=(0.5,0.5,0.5) is in the interior; you can move a bit in any direction and stay in the cube. Now add the constraint y3=0.5, which flattens the integer hull to a square (still containing y0). You can move a bit in the y1 and y2 directions and stay in the square, but any vertical movement (parallel to the y3 axis) and you're no longer feasible. That brings us to the relative interior. A point is in the relative interior of a set if it can be surrounded by a ball in the largest subspace for which the set is full dimensional, with the ball staying in the set. Returning to our example, before adding the equality constraint I could surround y0 with a sphere contained in the unit cube. After adding the equality constraint, making the feasible region a square, I can no longer surround y0 with a feasible sphere, but I can surround it with a feasible circle in the y3=0.5 plane. So y0 is at least in the relative interior of the integer hull after adding the equation constraint.

Back to Magnanti-Wong. To use their technique, you need to know a "core point" up front. In their paper, they mention that in some cases a core point will be obvious ... but in many cases it will not be. So I'll mention some techniques that probably yield a core point (but no general guarantee).
  • If you happen to know two or more integer-feasible points, average them. The average will be feasible, and unless all those points live on the same facet of the integer hull, you should get a relative interior point.
  • Pick an objective function and optimize it (maximize or minimize, it doesn't matter) over Y, ignoring the continuous variables and any constraints involving them from the original problem. Do this a few times: minimize and maximize the same objective, switch the objective, iterate; or just minimize (or maximize) a different objective each time. I might use randomly generated objective functions, but an easy alternative is to minimize y1, then maximize y1, then minimize y2, etc. Average the solutions you get. This is guaranteed to belong to integer hull, and almost surely (at least with random objectives and multiple iterations) to the relative interior of the integer hull. Bad news: you just solved a bunch of integer programs, which might be a trifle time-consuming.
  • Use the previous method, but optimize over the LP hull (relaxing the integrality constraints on y). Again, average the solutions you get. Good news: Solving a handful of LPs is typically much less painful than solving a handful of IPs. Bad news: Since the LP hull is a superset of the integer hull, and since your LP solutions are all vertices of the LP hull, there's at least a chance that the average of them lives inside the LP hull but outside the integer hull. That said, I've used this method once or twice and not lost any sleep. If your core point happens to fall outside the integer hull, I don't think it will cause any problems; it just probably won't make your Benders decomposition solve any faster.
  • Generate a bunch of random integer vectors of the correct dimension, and filter out those that do not satisfy the constraints defining Y. Average the survivors. Good news: Each of the surviving integer vectors will belong to the integer hull, so your averaged core point y0 definitely will as well. Also, generating random integer vectors is pretty easy. Bad news: If the integer hull is less than full dimension, the probability of a random vector falling in it is zero, so the likelihood of any "survivors" is negligible. Mitigating news: In some cases you can randomly generate an integer vector and then tweak it to ensure it satisfies the constraints that are keeping the integer hull from being full dimension. For instance, suppose that you have a constraint of the form iyi=B where B is an integer constant. Generate a random integer vector y~, replace y~1 with Bi>1y~i, and you have a vector satisfying that constraint. If you can pull off similar tweaks for other equation constraints (staying integer-valued and not violating bounds on the variables), maybe you can get lucky and find a few integer-feasible points. In fact, even if you can only find one survivor (before exhausting your patience), you might get lucky and have it be in the relative interior of the integer hull. (You won't know this, but you can try using it as your core point and hope for the best.)

[1] Magnanti, T. L. & Wong, R. T., Accelerating Benders Decomposition: Algorithmic Enhancement and Model Selection Criteria. Operations Research, 1981, 29, 464-484

Monday, January 1, 2018

Ordering Index Vector with Java Streams

I bumped up against the following problem while doing some coding in Java 8 (and using streams where possible). Given a vector of objects x1,,xN that come from some domain having an ordering , find the vector of indices i1,,iN that sorts the original values into ascending order, i.e., such that xi1xi2xiN I'm not sure there's an "official" name for that vector of indices, but I've seen it referred to more than once as the "ordering index vector" (hence the name of this post).

One of the nice features of the Java stream package is that it is really easy to sort streams, either using their natural ordering (where applicable) or using a specified ordering. As best I can tell, though, there is (at least currently) no built-in way to find out the original indices or positions of the sorted results. Fortunately, it didn't take to long to hack something that works. It may not be the most elegant way to get the ordering vector, but I'll share it anyway in case someone finds it useful.

My example will sort a vector of doubles, since that was what I was trying to do when I was forced to come up with this code. With fairly obvious modifications, it should work for sorting vectors of other types. Here is the code. Please try not to laugh.

// Create a vector of values whose order is desired.
double[] vals = ...
// Get the sort order for the values.
int[] order =
  IntStream.range(0, vals.length)
           .sorted((i, j) ->[i], vals[j]))
           .mapToInt(x -> x)
// The sorted list is vals[order[0]], vals[order[1]], ...

The stream has to take a winding trip through the Ugly Forest to get this to work. We start out with an IntStream, because that is the easiest way to get a stream of indices. Unfortunately, sorting using a specified comparator is not supported by IntStream, so we have to "box" it get a stream of integers (Stream<Integer>). (Yes, fans, IntStream and stream of integer are two separate things.) The stream of integers is sorted by comparing the values they index in the original vector of double precision reals. The we use the identity function to map the stream of integers back to an IntStream (!) so that we can easily convert it to a vector of integers (meaning int[], not Integer[]).

When I said this might not be the "most elegant" approach, what I meant was that it looks clunky (at least to me). I look forward to being schooled in the comments section.