Tuesday, July 19, 2022

"Block Party" Puzzle

A question posed on the OR Discord channel by a doctoral student led me to discover the existence of the Jane Street puzzle page. The student was asking about building a MILP model for the June 2022 puzzle, called "Block Party 4". The puzzle involves inserting numbers into a grid, with some cells already filled in. It bears a superficial resemblance to sudoku, but with a few key differences. Where a sudoku is divided into nine square regions of nine cells each, the block party puzzle grid is divided into connected regions of varying sizes and shapes. Within a region of k cells, the numbers 1 through k must be filled in. Finally, rather than requiring that rows and columns contain no repeated numbers, the rules require that, for each possible value K, if K is inserted into a cell then the nearest instance of K must be at distance exactly K in the L1 norm. So to use a 1, there must be a 1 in an adjacent cell. To use a 2, there must be a 2 in a cell two moves away but no 2 in any adjacent cell.

Since this is a problem with logic constraints and integer decisions, my instinct was to think that constraint programming would be faster than integer programming. To test this, I coded both an IP model and a CP model in Java, using CPLEX and CP Optimizer as the respective solvers. I assumed that the grid would be square, since both the June puzzle (10 x 10) and a smaller example provided (5 x 5) were. Both models can easily be adjusted for non-square grids.

Assume an N×N grid partitioned into regions, and let M be the size of the largest region (and thus the largest value that can be used in the puzzle). Number the cells 1 through N2 in any order. (I used a left-to-right raster scan.) For the IP model, I use binary variables xi,j (i=1,,N2, j=1,,M) to indicate whether value j is inserted into cell i. For cells with known values, I fix xi,j to either 0 or 1 as appropriate while building the model. Also, if cell i lies in a region of size K, then I can fix xi,j=0 for j>K.

Since we just want a feasible solution, I let the IP objective function default to minimizing zero. The most obvious constraint is j=1Mxi,j=1i,which forces a single value to be selected for each cell. Similarly, if B is a block with size K, then iBxi,j=1j=1,,Kforces every value from 1 to K to be used exactly once in the block. Finally, for each block B, each cell iB and each legal value j{1,,|B|} for that cell, we add these constraints: xi,jkNj(i)xk,j and xi,j+xk,j1kNj(i), where Nj(i) is the set of all cells at distance exactly j from cell i and Nj(i) is the set of all cells at distance less than j from cell i (excluding cell i itself). These enforce the rule that, for value j to be used in cell i,, it must also be used in at least one cell at distance j from i and in no closer cell.

The CP model is a bit more straightforward to articulate. Again, there is no objective function, since we are just solving for a feasible solution. For each cell i, there is a single integer variable xi with domain 1,,|B| where B is the block containing cell i. If we know that cell i is fixed to value k, we just declare xi to have domain {k}. For each block, we use an "all different" constraint to enforce the requirement that the cells in the block take distinct values. For each cell i and legal value j for it, the implication constraint (xi=j)kNj(i)(xk=j) where denotes disjunction ("or"), forces at least one cell at distance j from i to take value j if cell i does, while the constraints (xi=j)(xkj)kNj(i) prohibit any closer cell from using that value. (These constraints could be condensed into a conjunction on the right hand side. For reasons I have since forgotten, I did not bother to do so.)

Both models solved the 10x10 puzzle easily. My expectation was that the CP model would be faster, for several reasons. First, it has 100 general integer variables, whereas the IP model started out with 1,100 binary variables (which the presolver whittled down to 119 binary variables, compared to 90 variables for the CP model after presolving). Second, the "all different" CP constraint seems to be a more efficient way than a steaming pile of inequality constraints to enforce the rule that no two cells in the same block take the same value. Third, CP Optimizer would be doing integer arithmetic while CPLEX would be doing double precision arithmetic, and on a per-operation basis integer arithmetic should be faster. Lastly, my experience in the past has been that the one edge IP models tend to have over CP models is tighter bounds, but that has no effect in a feasibility problem (when you are not optimizing anything).

As it turns out, I was in for a surprise. Actually, make that two surprises. First, the IP model after presolving had 211 constraints, whereas the CP model after presolving had 7,399 constraints. Note that, in the implication constraints, the left side and each equality on the right side count as a constraint. I'm not sure how comparable constraints are between the two models, but I was not expecting the CP model to have so many more. Second, while both model solved in negligible time, the IP model was faster. CPLEX solved the IP model at the root node (no branching) in about 0.01 seconds on my fairly average desktop PC. CP Optimizer needed 2,678 branches and about 0.12 seconds to solve the CP model, of which 0.05 seconds was spent in the "engine" (i.e., solving) and the rest was spent in "extraction" (turning the model into something suitable for the engine).

My Java code (which requires both CPLEX and CP Optimizer but nothing else) can be found in my GitLab repository.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Left Matrix Inverses in R

The following question popped up on OR Stack Exchange: given an m×n matrix A with m>n, how can one find all left inverses of A in R? The author mentions that dimensions in their case would be around 200x10.

A left inverse is a matrix BRn×m such that BA=I. In order for a left inverse to exist, A must have full column rank. If it does not, Ax=0 for some nonzero xRn, in which case x=Ix=(BA)x=B(Ax)=B0=0, a contradiction.

Henceforth we assume that A has full column rank, in which case the left null space NRm will have dimension mn. Now suppose that CRn×m has the property that every row of C belongs to N. Then CA=0 and so (B+C)A=BA+0=I, making B+C another left inverse of A. That means A has an uncountably infinite number of left inverses. Conversely, if DA=I then the rows of DB belong to N. So the set of left inverses of A can be fully characterized by any individual left inverse and a basis for the left null space of A.

Getting this information in R is remarkably easy. There are multiple ways to compute a left inverse, but if you have the pracma library loaded, then the function pracma::pinv() can be used to compute the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse, which is a left inverse of A. To get a basis for the left null space of A, we apply the function pracma::nullspace() to AT, which computes a basis for the right null space of the transpose of A, and then transpose the results.

I have a small R notebook that demonstrates this on a random 200x10 matrix.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Models for a Social Network Problem

An interesting question recently popped up on Operations Research Stack Exchange. The setting is a graph G=(V,E) in which path length is defined to be the number of edges on the path (i.e., all edges have weight 1). The problem is to select a subset SV of vertices with a specified cardinality k so as to minimize the sum over all nodes of the distance from each node to the closest selected node. I will assume the graph is connected, since otherwise the objective might be undefined.

The author of the original question indicated in a comment that the context for the problem is something involving social networks, and in another comment indicated that the diameters of the graphs are relatively constant regardless of graph size. The diameter of G, which I will denote by δ(G), is the maximum distance between any pair of vertices in V. I will denote by D the set {0,1,,δ(G)}.

The author posed the following integer programming model, in which xv,d{0,1} is 1 if vertex v has distance d to the nearest selected vertex and 0 otherwise. Note that xv,0=1 if and only if vS. minxvVdDdxv,ds.t.vVxv,0=k(1)dDxv,d=1vV(2)xv,duNd(v)xu,0vV,dD{0}(3)where Nd(v)V is the set of all nodes at (shortest) distance d from v. Constraint (1) ensures that S has the correct cardinality, constraint (2) ensures that the distance of any node from S is uniquely defined, and constraint (3) ensures that a node is at distance d from S only if at least one node at distance d belongs to S. I will refer to this as the "distance model".

The author was asking about a possible incremental approach, but I got curious about alternative models. Frequent forum contributor Rob Pratt suggested changing constraint (3) to xv,duN1(v)xu,d1vV,dD{0}(3),

which says that for a node v to be at distance d, one of its neighbors must be at distance d1. I will call that "distance model 2". Meanwhile, I thought it might help to leave xv,0 binary but make xv,d[0,1] continuous for d>0 (which might or might not be equivalent to using branching priorities

to ensure that the xv,0 variables were branched on before any

of the other variables). I will call that "distance model 3".


Someone else suggested what I will call the "assignment model", which uses one set of binary variables xv to determine which vertices are selected to be in S and a second set if binary variables yv,u to indicate whether vertex u is the closest vertex in S to vertex v. That model is as follows:minx,yu,vVdv,uyv,us.t.vVxv=k(4)uVyv,u=1vV(5)yv,uxuv,uV(6)where (4) enforces the size requirement for S, (5) stipulates that every vertex is assigned to a single selected vertex (possibly itself) and (6) makes sure that the assigned selected vertex is actually selected.

Lastly, I came up with yet another model, which I will call the "flow model" since it is based on treating selected vertices as sinks and vertices outside S as sources in a flow model. It uses binary variables xv to indicate whether a vertex is selected and continuous variables yu,v[0,|V|k] for flow volumes. Since the edges are bidirectional, for each edge (u,v)E there will be two flow variables, yu,v and yv,u (only one of which will be nonzero in the optimal solution). The idea is that each vertex that is not selected passes along any flow arriving at it plus one unit of new flow. Selected vertices soak up whatever flow comes in. We minimize the sum of the aggregate flows across all edges, which effectively charges each unit of flow 1 for each edge it crosses. The optimal solution will therefore send each unit of flow to the selected vertex (sink) closest to its source, making the cost of each unit of flow equal to the distance from source to nearest selected vertex. That model is as follows.minx,y(u,v)E(yu,v+yv,u)s.t.vVxv=k(7)uN1(v)(yv,uyu,v)1(|V|k)xvvV(8).The by now familiar constraint (7) sets the size of the selected set. Constraint (8) says that the flow out of any vertex v must be one greater than the flow in \emph{unless} the vertex is selected (in which case nothing needs to flow out of it).

To assess how the various models perform, I coded them in Java using CPLEX 22.1 as the solver and ran a few experiments on randomly generated graphs. I did not do nearly enough experiments for any definitive conclusions, but I will quote the results of one that I think is somewhat informative. The test graph has |V|=2,000, |E|=23,360 and diameter δ(G)=5. Each model was run for 10 minutes (not including the time spent constructing the model). The next table summarizes the results.

Distance Distance2 Distance3 Assignment Flow
Binary variables 9,976 12,000 2,000 4,002,000? 2,000
Total columns 9,976 12,000 9,976 4,002,000? 48,720
Total rows 9,977 12,001 9,977 2,001? 2,001
Nonzero coefficients 4,017,952 257,600 4,017,952 12,002,000? 97,440
Objective value 3,202 3,192 3,181 none 3,506
Lower bound 3,139.7 3,139.2 3,143.3 none 1,980


None of the models reach proven optimality, and in fact the assignment model hit the time limit early in the presolve phase, before CPLEX printed any statistics about dimensions. All the output I got was that presolve "has eliminated 0 rows and 0 columns..." The dimensions I listed are the dimensions for the paper model, before any presolve reductions.


If you are wondering about why the "Distance2" model (which is the original distance model with Rob's modification to constraint (3)) has larger row and column dimensions than the original, it turns out the both start with the same initial dimensions but the CPLEX presolver removes a bunch of rows and columns in the original model that it cannot remove from Rob's version. Still, Rob's version winds up with an order of magnitude fewer nonzero coefficients than the original version (or my tweak to it, "Distance3").


Based on this and a few other preliminary runs, there are a handful of takeaways that I am somewhat comfortable in saying.

  • As graph size grows, the assignment model fairly quickly becomes too large to use. Hypothetically it could reach proven optimum faster than the others given a liberal time limit, but the betting line is against that.
  • Of the remaining models, my flow model has the most columns but the fewest rows and the fewest nonzeros. Unfortunately, it also has the worst performance. On a couple of other tests it did better, at least early on, with the incumbent solution value, but it seems to have the weakest bounds. In the interest of salvaging a little bit of my bruised pride, I will note that fewest nonzeros means that, as the graph grows, it might at some point be the only one of these models to fit in memory.
  • The tweak I made to the original model ("Distance3") did best in both incumbent value and bound ... on this example ... within the 10 minute run time limit. There is no guarantee this holds up in other cases, and it ties with the original model for largest constraint matrix (excluding the assignment model).
  • Rob's tweak has more rows and columns than the original model (or my tweak), but not hugely more, and it has the fewest nonzeros among the distance models. So it is definitely a contender for the production model, at least pending more testing.
Source code (in Java) that generates a random graph and tests the model is available from my repository.