Monday, March 20, 2023

Annoying Message with R GA Package

This is a small technical note (mainly a reminder to myself) about using the GA package for genetic algorithms in R, specifically within an R Markdown document (such as an R notebook). The GA::ga() function includes an optional argument to turn on parallel evaluation of the fitness function. The argument value can be true or false (default), which are self-explanatory, or a number of cores, or a character string ("snow" or "multicore") for how parallelization is to be done. The default is "multicore" except on Windows, where "snow" is apparently the only option. When I choose to turn on parallel objective evaluation, I take the easy route and just set it to TRUE.

When run in a terminal, I just get a sequence of log entries, one per generation, and then it terminates. That's also what I see when the command is run in an R Markdown document ... until the document is rendered to HTML. In the HTML output, interspersed with each line of log output is a block of four identical copies of the following.

loaded GA and set parent environment

The fact that there are four copies is presumably because my PC has four cores. Turning off the monitor option gets rid of the progress printouts but does not eliminate the repetitive messages. Switching the parallel mode to "snow" does get rid of them, but I'm not sure what the broader implications of that are.

After significant spelunking, I traced the messages to the doParallel R package, which is apparently being used to implement parallel processing under the "multicore" option. In any event, the way to get rid of them is to add the option "message = FALSE" to the R chunk in which ga() is being executed. Barring other chunk options, this would change {r} to {r, message = FALSE} for that one chunk. (You can also set it as a global option in the document.) Happily, the monitor output (stats for each generation) still prints out. It just gets rid of those <expletive deleted> parallel processing messages.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Another GA for Clustering

Someone asked on OR Stack Exchange about clustering nodes, a subject that comes up from time to time. The premise is that you have N points (nodes), and for each pair ij there is (or may be) an edge with weight wi,j[0,1] (where wi,j=0 if there is no edge between i and j). The objective is to create exactly G groups (clusters), with no group having cardinality greater than M, such that the sum of within-group edge weights is maximized. It is simple to write an integer programming model for the problem, and the question includes one, but the author was looking for something that did not require an IP solver. The question specifies, as an example, dimensions of N=500 points, G=8 groups, and a maximum group size of M=70.

Since I have suggest genetic algorithms for previous clustering problems (see here and here), it probably will not shock you that I once again looked for a GA approach, using a "random key" algorithm (where the chromosome gets decoded into a feasible solution. In this case, the chromosome consists of N+G values between 0 and 1. The first G values are used to select the sizes n1,,nG of the groups. The last N values are converted into a permutation of the point indices 1,,N. The first n1 entries in the permutation are the indices of the points in group 1, the next n2 entries give the points in group 2, and so on.

The tricky part here is converting the first portion of the chromosome into the group sizes. We know that the maximum group size is M, and it is easy to deduce that the minimum group size is m=N(G1)M. So the minimum and maximum fractions of the population to assign to any group are a=m/N and b=M/N, where m=N(G1)Ma=1(G1)b. Now suppose that I have values π1,,πG(a,b) and assign group sizes ni=πiN, which clearly meet the minimum and maximum size limits. (I'm cheating here, but I'll fix it in a minute.) We want i=1Gni=N, which means we need iπi=1.

To get the πi, we take a rather roundabout route. Assume that the first G entries in the chromosome are x1,,xG(0,1). Set yi=1xij=1Gxj(0,1) and observe that i=1Gyi=G1. Finally, set πi=a+(ba)yi(a,b). We have iπi=Ga+(ba)iyi=Ga+(ba)(G1)=(G1)b+a=1.

Now to confess to my cheating. I said the i-th group size would be ni=πiN, ignoring the minor problem that the left side is an integer and the right side almost surely is not. So of course we will round πiN to get ni. After rounding, though, we can no longer be sure that ini=N. So we iteratively fix it. If ini<N, we add 1 to the smallest ni and recheck. if ini>N, we subtract 1 from the largest ni and recheck. Eventually, we end up with a feasible set of group sizes.

All this is encoded in an R notebook I wrote, including a sample problem. Whether the GA gets a "good" (near optimal) partition or not I cannot say, since I did not write the equivalent MIP model. I can say, though, that it gets a sequence of progressively improving partitions.