Thursday, January 28, 2021

A Monotonic Assignment Problem

 A question posted on Stack Overflow can be translated to an assignment problem with a few "quirks". First, the number of sources ($m$) is less than the number of sinks ($n$), so while every source is assigned to exactly one sink, not every sink is assigned to a source. Second, there are vectors $a\in\mathbb{R}^m$ and $b\in\mathbb{R}^n$ containing weights for each source and sink, and the cost of assigning source $i$ to sink $j$ is $a_i \times b_j$. Finally, there is a monotonicity constraint. If source $i$ is assigned to sink $j$, then source $i+1$ can only be assigned to one of the sinks $j+1,\dots,n$.

Fellow blogger Erwin Kalvelagen posted a MIP model for the problem and explored some approaches to solving it. A key takeaway is that for a randomly generated problem instance with $m=100$ and $n=1,000$, CPLEX needed about half an hour to get a provably optimal solution. After seeing Erwin's post, I did some coding to cook up a network (shortest path) solution in Java. Several people proposed similar and in some cases essentially the same model in comments on Erwin's post. Today, while I was stuck on a Zoom committee call and fighting with various drawing programs to get a legible diagram, Erwin produced a follow-up post showing the network solution (including the diagram I was struggling to produce ... so I'll refer readers to Erwin's post and forget about drawing it here).

The network is a layered digraph (nodes organized in layers, directed arcs from nodes in one layer to nodes in the next layer). It includes two dummy nodes (a start node in layer 0 and a finish node in layer $m+1$). All nodes in layer $i\in \lbrace 1,\dots,m \rbrace$ represent possible sink assignments for source $i$. The cost of an arc entering a node representing sink $j$ in layer $i$ is $a_i \times b_j$, regardless of the source of the arc. All nodes in layer $m$ connect to the finish node via an arc with cost 0. The objective value of any valid assignment is the sum of the arc costs in the path from start to finish corresponding to that assignment, and the optimal solution corresponds to the shortest path from start to finish.

The monotonicity restriction is enforced simply by omitting arcs from any node in layer $i$ to a lower-index node in layer $i+1$. It also allows us to eliminate some nodes. In the first layer after the start node (where we assign source 1), the available sinks are $1,\dots,n-m+1$. The reason sinks $n-m+2,\dots,n$ are unavailable is that assigning source 1 to one of them and enforcing monotonicity would cause us to run out of sinks before we had made an assignment for every source. Similarly, nodes in layer $i>1$ begin with sink $i$ (because the first $i-1$ sinks must have been assigned or skipped in earlier layers) and end with sink $n-m+i$ (to allow enough sinks to cover the remaining $m-i$ nodes).

For the dimensions $m=100$, $n=1000$, the network has 90,102 nodes and 40,230,551 arcs. That may sound like a lot, but my Java code solves it in under four seconds, including the time spent setting up the network. I used the excellent (open-source) algs4 library, and specifically the AcyclicSP class for solving the shortest path problem. Erwin reports even faster solution time for his network model (0.9 seconds, coded in Python), albeit on different hardware. At any rate, he needed about half an hour to solve the MIP model, so the main takeaway is that for this problem the network model is much faster.

If anyone is interested, my Java code is available for download from my Git repository. The main branch contains just the network model, and the only dependency is the algs4 library. There is also a branch named "CPLEX" which contains the MIP model, in case you either want to compare speeds or just confirm that the network model is getting correct results. If you grab that branch, you will also need to have CPLEX installed.


  1. Never send a MIP solver to do the a network algorithm's job!

    1. I'm inclined to agree, although painful experience has made me cautious about using the words "always" or "never" in the context of MIPs.

  2. As the setup for this model is a little bit more involved for the network model -- so more chances for bugs, the MIP model is still a good debugging tool and confidence builder.

    1. I agree. It's always comforting to be able to confirm results from new code, either by matching to known results on test problems or by matching to results from other models/algorithms where the test problem true solutions are not known. That was especially true for me in this case, because there was some index conversion involved in going from problem data to my visualization of the network to the algs4 inputs and outputs. Index conversions are a fertile ground for bugs.


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