This is the first of hopefully two posts related to a question posted on Operations Research Stack Exchange. You are given a digraph through which a single commodity flows. Arcs have neither costs nor capacity limits. Each node $n_i$ is either a supply node (with supply $s_i>0$), a demand node (with demand $s_i<0$ treated as a "negative supply” in the optimization models), or what I will call a “transit node” ($s_i =0$) with neither supply nor demand. Key assumptions are that total supply equals total demand and that it is possible to find paths through the digraph satisfying all demands (and thus consuming all supplies).
The problem is to select a minimal number of arcs such that the reduced digraph (using all the original nodes but just the selected arcs) contains routes fulfilling all demands. In this post, I'll describe one way to generate random test instances of the problem. The following post will discuss modeling and solving the problem. I have Java code demonstrating both parts in my university GitLab repository.
My approach to generating a test instance starts with specification of the number of nodes in the graph and a lower bound for the number of arcs. (The lower bound might need to be exceeded in order to ensure that a feasible flow satisfying all demands exists.) My code also asks the user to specify an integer value $F$ for total supply (and total demand). I used integer flows just to make printing the supply/demand at each node and flow on each arc neat. You might prefer to use real valued flows and (since the problem is invariant with respect to the flow volume) just set the total supply/demand at 1.
In what follows, I will use the terms "upstream" and "downstream" to refer to nodes from which there are directed paths to a given node (upstream) or to which there are directed paths from a given node (downstream). To simplify explanation, I will treat demands as positive values. The construction process starts by creating the desired number of nodes and partitioning them into supply, demand and transit nodes. Since you need at least one supply node and at least one demand node, the first node is assigned as a supply node and the second as a demand node. (My code graph also assigns one node as a transit node, but if you do not care whether there are any transit nodes you can skip that.) The remaining nodes are randomly classified as supply, demand or transit. Since my code uses integer flow values, each supply (demand) node needs a supply (demand) of at least 1. If the partitioning process creates more than $F$ supply or demand nodes, the excess nodes are reclassified as transit nodes. If you are using real flow values, this can be skipped.
The next step is to allocate total supply (total demand) randomly across the supply (demand) nodes. Again, since I am using integer flows, my code first allocates one unit of supply or demand to each non-transit node, then allocates the remaining supply (demand) one unit at a time, randomly choosing with replacement a supply (demand) node to receive the next unit.
With the nodes created, it is time to move on to creating arcs. My code allocates to each node of any type two initially empty sets of nodes, those upstream and downstream, and two initially empty sets of arcs, those entering and those leaving the node. It also assigns a temporary variable containing the excess supply if the node is a supply node or the unmet demand if the node is a demand node. Two sets of nodes are created, one containing supply nodes with unused supply (initially, all the supply nodes) and the other containing demand nodes with unmet demands (initially, all the demand nodes).
A list of all possible arcs (excluding arcs from a node to itself) is created and randomly shuffled. Arcs are now added from that list until enough directed paths exist to ensure that all demands can be met. As each arc $(a, b)$ is added to the digraph, it is added to the set of arcs exiting the tail node $a$ and to the set of arcs entering the head node $b.$ The set of nodes upstream of $b$ is updated to include $a$ and all nodes upstream of $a,$ and the set of nodes downstream of $a$ is updated to include $b$ and all nodes downstream of $b.$ Finally, nodes upstream of $b$ with unused supply and nodes downstream of $a$ with unmet demand are paired up. The lesser of the unused supply and unmet demand is subtracted from both the supply of the upstream node and the demand of the downstream node, and whichever has zero supply/demand left is removed from the set of nodes with unused supply/unmet demand. It is possible (and certain when the very last drop of supply/demand is accounted for) that both nodes will be removed from their respective sets.
Once there are no nodes left with excess supply/demand, we can be certain the digraph contains at least one feasible solution. All that remains is to randomly add arcs until the user's specified minimum number of arcs is met.
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