As the title implies, this is a sequel to my previous post, to deal with a variety of odds and ends.
There's a saying that you cannot teach an old dog new tricks. That's untrue; it's just that dogs as old as I am are slow learners. When I first started tangling with integer programs, there was a rule that you never made the model dimensions (number of rows or columns) any larger than you absolutely had to, partly to conserve memory and partly so as not to slow down pivoting. Once solvers switched from Gaussian pivoting (the way I learned to do it by hand) to matrix factoring, keeping dimensions down took a back seat to reducing matrix density.
Similarly, once upon a time I learned (the hard way) that symmetry in my model would slow down pruning of the search tree. In the previous post, I alluded to research on exploiting symmetry and said something about solvers having symmetry detection. Imre Polik mentioned in a comment that Xpress already detects the symmetry by default. CPLEX might need some encouragement to do so. Near the start of the Xpress output, it describes the model as symmetric and lists statistics on "orbits" (groups of variables whose values can be permuted). It is unclear to me whether Xpress exploits that information by using "orbital branching" (a relatively recent development) or in some other way. Early in the CPLEX output I see a message that it is "detecting symmetries", but the model dimensions do not change and there are no further mentions of symmetry.
Moving on, Imre suggested in his comment to the previous post that another possible antisymmetry constraint is to assert a dominance inequality between the number of true values in the top row and the number in the left column. This is compatible with my original two constraints, and so I added a version of it (combining Imre's constraint with mine) to my code. Rob Pratt suggested yet another possibility, an inequality between the subdiagonal and superdiagonal. I'm not convinced that one plays nice with my original constraints, meaning that if you added Rob's constraint to my original two you might legislate the optimal solution out of existence, so I added it to my code by itself. Also, it only works when the grid is square. Finally, since both solvers have parameters to control how hard they work to detect symmetry, I added an option to my code to skip adding any constraints and just crank up the solver's response.
The results are summarized in the following graph, which shows the optimality gap (best bound at the left end, best incumbent at the right end) for each solver and modeling option. The dashed vertical line is the optimal solution (from Erwin's post).
The "Bilateral" and "Trilateral" models are my original two constraints and my two constraints plus Imre's, respectively. The "Diagonal" model uses Rob's constraint. "None" is just the model by itself and "Solver" is the unmodified model plus a solver parameter setting to get it to work harder detecting symmetries. Note that the results for Xpress with "None" and Xpress with "Solver" are pretty much identical, confirming Imre's assertion that Xpress would detect the symmetry on its own. CPLEX saw a bit of improvement in both incumbent and bound going from "None" to "Solver", so apparently the nudge helped there. Only two runs found the optimal solution, both times CPLEX with some help from antisymmetry constraints. None of the runs got the best bound anywhere near tight.
Returning to my "old dog, new tricks" theme, the takeaway for me is that before I go nuts try to constrain away symmetry in a model, I need to investigate whether the solver can recognize it and, if so, whether it can eliminate or even exploit the symmetry.
Lastly, I belatedly realized that Erwin got his proven optimum quickly because the modified the model to use equality constraints in the interior of the grid and inequalities only in the two outermost rows/columns on each edge. I added that to my code as well, and yes, it gets a proven optimum incredibly fast. I was a bit leery about assuming that redundant coverage would only be required near the boundary, but per some comments by Rob on Erwin's post, 227 is indeed the (known) optimal value for a 32x32 grid.
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