Sunday, August 23, 2020

Multiobjective Optimization in CPLEX

In my previous post, I discussed multiobjective optimization and ended with a simple example. I'll use this post to discuss some of the new (as of version 12.9) features in CPLEX related to multiobjective optimization, and then apply them to the example from the previous post. My Java code can be downloaded from my GitLab repository.

Currently (meaning as of CPLEX version 12.10), CPLEX supports multiple objectives in linear and integer programs. It allows mixtures of "blended" objective functions (weighted combinations of original criteria) and "lexicographic" hierarchical objectives. Basically, you set one or more hierarchy (priority) levels, and in each one you can have a single criterion or a weighted combination of criteria. So the "classical" preemptive priority approach would involve multiple priority levels with a single criterion in each, while the "classical" weighted combination approach would involve one priority level with a blended objective in it. Overall, you are either maximizing or minimizing, but you can use negative weights for criteria that should go the opposite direction of the rest. In the example here, which is a minimization problem, the third priority level gives maximum provider utilization a weight of +1 (because we want to minimize it) and minimum provider utilization a weight of -1 (because we want to maximize it).

There are some limitations to the use of multiple objectives. The ones I think are of most general interest are the following:

  • objectives and constraints must be linear (no quadratic terms); and
  • all generic callbacks and legacy information callbacks can be used, but other legacy callbacks, and in particular legacy control callbacks (branch callbacks, cut callbacks etc.) cannot be used. So if you need to use callbacks with a multiobjective problem, now would be a good time to learn the new generic callback system.

Every criterion you specify has a priority level and, within that priority level, a weight. A feature that I appreciate, and which I will use in the code, is that you can also specify an absolute and/or a relative tolerance for each criterion. The tolerances tell CPLEX how much it can sacrifice in that criterion to improve lower priority criteria. The default tolerance is zero, meaning higher priority criteria must be optimized before lower priority criteria are even considered. A nonzero tolerance basically tells CPLEX that is allowed to sacrifice some amount (either an absolute amount or a percentage of the optimal value) in that criterion in order to improve lower priority criteria.

Defining the variables and building the constraints of a multiobjective model is no different from a typical single criterion model. Getting the solution after solving the model is also unchanged. The differences come mainly in how you specify the objectives and how you invoke the solver.

To build the objective function, you need to use one of the several overloads of IloCplex.staticLex(). They all take as first argument a one dimensional array of expressions IloNumExpr[], and they all return an instance of the new interface IloCplexMultiCriterionExpr. In addition to an array of objective expressions, one of the overloads lets you also specify arrays of weights, priorities and tolerances (absolute and relative). That's the version used in my sample code. 

This brings me to a minor inconvenience relative to a conventional single objective problem. Ordinarily, I would use IloCplexModeler.addMinimize(expr) or IloCplexModeler.addMaximize(expr) to add an objective to a model, where expr is an instance of IloNumExpr. I naively thought to do the same here, using the output of staticLex() as the expression, but that is not (currently) supported. There's no overload of addMinimize() or addMaximize() that accepts a multicriterion expression. So it's a three step process: use cplex.staticLex(...) to create the objective and save it to a temporary variable (where cplex is your IloCplex instance); pass that variable to either cplex.minimize(...) or cplex.maximize(...) and save the resulting instance of IloObjective in a temporary variable; and then invoke cplex.add(...) on that variable.

When you are ready to solve the model, you invoke the solve() method on it. You can continue to use the version of solve() that takes no arguments (which is what my code does), or you can use a new version that takes as argument an array of type IloCplex.ParameterSet[]. This allows you to specify different parameter settings for different priority levels.

Other methods you might be interested in are IloCplex.getMultiObjNSolves() (which gets the number of subproblems solved) and IloCplex.getMultiObjInfo() (which lets you look up a variety of things that I really have not explored yet).

The output from my code (log file), which is in the repository, is too lengthy to show here, but if you want you can use this link to open it in a new tab. Here's a synopsis. I first optimized each of the three objective functions separately. (Recall that maximum and minimum provider utilization are blended into one objective.) This gives what is sometimes referred to as the "Utopia point" or "ideal point". This is column "U" in the table below. Next, I solved the prioritized multiobjective problem. The results are in column "O" of the table. Finally, to demonstrate the ability to be flexible with priorities, I resolved the multiobjective problem using a relative tolerance of 0.1 (10%) for the top priority objective (average distance traveled) and 0.05 (5%) for the second priority objective (maximum distance traveled). Those results are in column "F".

Avg. distance 14.489 14.489 15.888
Max distance 58.605 58.605 60.000
Utilization spread 0.030 0.267 0.030
Max utilization 0.710 0.880 0.710
Min utilization 0.680 0.613 0.680

There are a few things to note.

  1. The solution to the multiobjective model ("O") achieved the ideal values for the first two objectives. One would expect to match the ideal value on the highest priority objective; matching on the second objective was luck. The third objective (utilization spread) was, not surprisingly, somewhat worse than the ideal value.
  2. Absolute and relative tolerances appear to work the same way that absolute and relative gap tolerances do: if a solution is within either absolute or relative tolerance of the best possible value on a higher priority objective, it can be accepted. In the third run, I set relative tolerances but let the absolute tolerances stay at default values.
  3. The relative tolerances I set in the last run would normally allow CPLEX to accept a solution with an average travel distance as large as $(1 + 0.1)*14.489 = 15.938$ and a maximum travel distance as large as $(1 + 0.05)*58.605 = 61.535$. There is a constraint limiting travel distance to at most 60, though, which supersedes the tolerance setting.
  4. The "flexible" solution (column "F") exceeds the ideal average distance by about 9.7%, hits the cap of 60 on maximum travel distance, and actually achieves the ideal utilization spread. However, without knowing the ideal point you would not realize that last part. I put a fairly short time limit (30 seconds) on the run, and it ended with about a 21% gap due to a very slow-moving best bound.

I'll close with one last observation. At the bottom of the log, after solving the "flexible" variant, you will see the following lines.

Solver status = Unknown.
Objective 0: Status = 101, value = 14.489, bound = 14.489.
Objective 1: Status = 101, value = 58.605, bound = 58.605.
Objective 2: Status = 107, value = 0.030, bound = 0.023.
Final value of average distance traveled = 15.888.
Final value of longest distance traveled = 60.000.
Final value of maximum provider utilization = 0.710.
Final value of minimum provider utilization = 0.680.

The first four lines are printed by CPLEX, the last four by my code. Note the mismatch in objective values of the first two criteria (bold for CPLEX, italic for my results). CPLEX prints the best value it achieved for each objective before moving on to lower priority objectives. When you are using the default tolerances of zero (meaning priorities are absolute), the printed values will match what you get in the final solution. When you specify non-zero tolerances, though, CPLEX may "give back" some of the quality of the higher priority results to improve lower priority results, so you will need to recover the objective values yourself.

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