Someone posted a question on OR Stack Exchange about a problem with a "nonseparable bilinear objective function" with "decoupled constraints". The problem has the following form:
where and are polytopes (i.e., defined by linear constraints, and bounded) in the positive orthants of their respective spaces (i.e., and ) and , and are all nonnegative. So besides everything being nonnegative, the key things here are that the objective contains bilinear terms (always involving the product of an and a ) and each constraint involves either only or only . The author was looking for a way to exploit the separability of the constraints in solving the problem.
It occurred to me that a heuristic approach might be to solve a sequence of linear programs, alternating between and . Let be the objective function of the original problem, and let and be respectively the portions of the objective dependent on with fixed or dependent on with fixed. Each is linear in one set of variables (the other set being fixed). So we could proceed as follows:
- Minimize over (a linear program) to get a starting value
- Minimize over to get a starting value We now have an incumbent solution with objective value Set .
- Repeat the following until the first time that the incumbent does not improve.
- Minimize over to get If is less than the incumbent value, make the new incumbent, else punt.
- Minimize over to get If is less than the incumbent value, make the new incumbent and increment , else punt.
This will generate a sequence of solutions, each a corner point of the feasible region with monotonically decreasing objective values.
Before continuing, it is worth noting that we are guaranteed that at least one corner of will be an optimum. This is of course always true when the objective is linear, but not always true with a quadratic objective. In our case, suppose that is an arbitrary optimum for the original problem. Then must minimize over , so either is a corner of of (if there are multiple optimal) can be replaced by a corner of with the same value of (and thus the same value of , since the difference does not depend on ). Apply the same logic on the other variable to show that is either a corner of or can be replaced by one.
I'm still calling this a heuristic, because there is one more piece to the puzzle. Could the procedure stop at a corner of that is a local but not global optimum? I'm not sure. Offhand, I do not see a way to prove that it will not, but I also cannot easily conjure up an example where it would.
To test this (and to confirm that I was not hallucinating, which has been known to happen), I wrote some Java code to generate random test problems and try the procedure. The code uses CPLEX to solve the LPs. In all test cases, it terminated with a solution (at least locally optimal) in a pretty small number of iterations.
As a benchmark, I tried solving the full QP models with CPLEX, setting its "optimality target" parameter to "OPTIMALGLOBAL", which tells CPLEX to search for a global optimum to a nonconvex problem. This causes CPLEX to turn the problem into a mixed-integer quadratic program, which shockingly takes longer to solve than an LP. In a limited number of test runs, I observed a surprisingly consistent behavior. At the root node, CPLEX immediately found a feasible solution and then immediately found a better solution that matched what my procedure produced. After than (and within a usually stingy time limit I set), CPLEX made progress on the bound but never improved on the incumbent. In two test runs, CPLEX actually reached proven optimality with that second incumbent, meaning my procedure had found a global optimum.
So perhaps my "heuristic" can actually be shown to be an exact algorithm ... or perhaps not. At least in my test runs, CPLEX working on the QP found the best solution about as fast as, or maybe slightly faster than, my procedure did. On the other hand, my procedure only requires an LP solver, so it will work with code that does not accept QPs.
My Java code (which requires CPLEX) is available here.
Addendum: User "Dusto" on the Discord Operations Research server posted a simple counterexample to global convergence. The example has no constraints other than bounds on the variables (from 0 to 10 in all cases). The and vectors are strictly positive, so the linear programs in my heuristic will start at the origin and get stuck there. The matrix is crafted so that a negative overall objective value is attainable.