Thursday, February 10, 2022

Tournament Scheduling: CPLEX v. CP Optimizer (Part 3)

This is the third and final chapter in my opus about scheduling "pods" (players) in a tournament. Reading the first post will be essential to understanding what is going on here. Reading the second post (in which I formulate an integer programming model for the problem) is definitely optional.

I will stick with the notation introduced in the prior post. As before, there are $N$ pods (players) being organized into teams of two to play in $G$ games (two teams per game, one in white, one in black). Each game has two slots corresponding to the two teams in the game.

  • $t$ indexes a team;
  • $p$ and $q$ index pods;
  • $g$ indexes a game;
  • $s$ indexes a slot (and $s'$ is the other slot of the same game);
  • $c$ is a jersey color (0 for white, 1 for black).

For a slot $s$, I will use $G_s$ and $C_s$ to denote respectively the game in which the slot exists and the jersey color (0 or 1) of the team in the slot. For a team $t$, $P_{t,0}$ and $P_{t,1}$ will be the two pods on the team. (The order they are listed is immaterial.)

The model variables are almost (but not exactly) what they were in the IP model.

  • $x_{t}\in \lbrace 0, \dots, 2G-1\rbrace$ is the index of the slot in which team $t$ plays (where slots 0 and $G$ are the white and black teams in the first game and slots $G-1$ and $2G-1$ are the white and black teams in the final game).
  • $y_{pqg}\in \lbrace 0,1\rbrace$ is 1 if pods $p$ and $q\neq p$ are playing in game $g$ on opposing teams.
  • $z_{pg}\in \lbrace 0,1\rbrace$ is the color jersey worn by pod $p$ at the conclusion of game $g$ (regardless of whether or not $p$ played in game $g$).
  • $w_{pg}\in \lbrace 0,1\rbrace$ is 1 if pod $p$ changes jersey color going into game $g.$
  • $v_{pg} \in \lbrace 0,1\rbrace$ is 1 if pod $p$ is playing in game $g.$

The changes from the IP model are that $x$ is general integer rather than binary (with dimension 1 rather than 2), the third index of $y$ is the game rather than the slot, and $v$ is a new variable. As in the IP model, the objective is to minimize $\sum_p \sum_g w_{pg}.$

The constraints are as follows. Note that the requirement that every team play exactly once is captured by the assignment of a single slot value to each team (via $x$).

  • Two different teams cannot occupy the same slot: $$\textrm{allDiff}(x).$$
  • Occupying a slot implies playing in the game: $$x_t = s \implies (v_{P_{t,1},G_s} = 1 \wedge v_{P_{t,2},G_s} = 1) \quad \forall t,s.$$
  • Occupying a slot determines the color of the jersey worn in the game: $$x_t = s \implies  (z_{P_{t,1},G_s} = C_s \wedge z_{P_{t,2},G_s} = C_s) \quad \forall t,s.$$
  • Jersey color for a pod remains constant from game to game unless a change is recorded: $$ z_{p,g} \neq z_{p,g-1}  \iff w_{p,g} = 1 \quad \forall p, \forall g > 0.$$
  • Playing in consecutive games precludes changing jerseys: $$(v_{p,g - 1} = 1 \wedge v_{p,g} = 1) \implies w_{p,g} = 0 \quad \forall p, \forall g > 0.$$
  • Two pods are opponents if and only if they are playing in the same game with different colors: $$y_{pqg} = 1 \iff (v_{pg} = 1 \wedge v_{qg} = 1 \wedge z_{pg} \neq z_{qg} \quad \forall p, \forall q\neq p, \forall g.$$
  • Every pair of pods faces each other exactly twice: $$\sum_g y_{pqg} = 2 \quad \forall p, \forall q\neq p.$$

Here "allDiff()" is the CPLEX notation for the "all different" constraint, a global constraint common to most constraint solvers. Given a collection of variables with the same range, the all different constraint says that no two variables in the collection can take the same value.

To put it mildly, I would not be shocked if there is a more efficient (easier to solver) way to write the problem as a CP model.


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