Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Tournament Scheduling: CPLEX v. CP Optimizer (Part 1)

 A recent question on Mathematics Stack Exchange asked about scheduling $N$ "pods" (players) in a tournament under the following conditions.

  • There will be $N(N-1)/4$ games played sequentially (no games in parallel).
  • Games pit teams of two pods each against each other. One team wears white and one team wears black.
  • Each pod partners with every other pod once and plays against every other pod twice.
  • No pod can play in consecutive games wearing different jersey colors.

The objective is find a schedule that minimizes the total number of times pods have to change their jersey color.

The question specifies $N=9$. Note that, since there are $N(N-1)/4$ games, a necessary condition for the problem to be feasible is that either $N$ or $N-1$ must be divisible by $4$. That condition is not, however, sufficient. An obvious counterexample is when $N=4$ and there are three games to be scheduled. The first game uses all four teams, as does the second game. Since no pod can be forced to wear different jerseys in consecutive games, all four teams would go into the second game wearing the same colors as in the first game ... which means being in the same teams, violating the rule about pods being teamed together exactly once.

I coded both an integer programming model (using CPLEX) and a constraint programming model (using CP Optimizer) in Java and tried to solve the tournament problem with $N=9$. Since everything is inherently integer and the constraints are more logical than arithmetic (the only real algebra is summing up the number of jersey changes), I had two initial expectations: that CPLEX would provide tighter lower bounds than CPO (because MIP models tend to do better with bounds than CP models); and that CPO would find feasible (and possibly optimal) schedules faster than CPLEX would, since the problem is inherently logic-based (and CP models often do better than MIP models on scheduling problems). I was half right. CPLEX did provide tighter lower bounds than CPO, at least within the time limits I was willing to use, although I don't think either came remotely close to a "tight" lower bound. CPO, however, struggled massively to find feasible schedules while CPLEX did not have too much trouble doing so.

Before going any further, I need to issue three caveats. First, the longest I ran the IP model was 30 minutes and the longest I ran the CP model was an hour. Second, while I am pretty familiar with formulating IP models, I am much less familiar running CP models, so I may have missed opportunities to make the CP model more efficient. Third, while CPLEX gives the user a fair amount of indirect control over the search process (by setting branching priorities, MIP emphasis, how frequently to try certain kinds of cuts and so on), CP Optimizer may offer the user even more flexibility in how to tailor searches I am not yet familiar enough to do anything beyond trying to indicate which variables should be the first candidates for branching (and I'm not sure I got that right).

I'll end this installment with a synopsis of some runs.

  • In a 30 minute run using the new setting 5 for the MIP emphasis parameter (stressing use of heuristics to improve the incumbent, at the cost of not paying too much attention to the lower bound), CPLEX found a feasible schedule with 14 jersey changes and a lower bound of 2.97 (a 79% gap). It evaluated somewhere around 18,500 nodes.
  • In a 30 minute run, CP Optimizer branched over 957 million times but never found a feasible schedule and ended with a best bound of 0.
  • Finally, I tried running CPLEX for three minutes (in which it found an incumbent with 19 jersey changes) and then used that incumbent as a starting solution for a one hour run of CP Optimizer. CPO accepted the incumbent solution, did a bit over 1.55 billion branch operations, and failed to improve on it. The best bound was again 0. 

If you want to look at my code (which will make slightly more sense after my next couple of posts, where I will describe the models), it is available from my university GitLab repository.

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