Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Tournament Scheduling: CPLEX v. CP Optimizer (Part 2)

In my previous post, I described a tournament scheduling problem and discussed my results using both an integer programming model (CPLEX) and a constraint programming model (CP Optimizer) to try to solve it. Here I will present the IP model. (This post will be gibberish unless you have read at least the start of the previous post.)

There are multiple ways to write an integer programming (IP) model for the tournament problem. My initial instinct was to think in terms of what games a pod plays in, which pods it plays with/against and so on, but I fairly quickly changed to thinking in terms of teams rather than pods. With $N=9$ pods and two pods to a team, there are $N(N-1)/2=36$ possible teams, which we can enumerate at the outset. There will be 18 games, each containing two teams, and every team will play exactly once. Each game contains two "slots", one for the team in white jerseys and the other for the team in black jerseys.

In what follows, I will (I hope) stick to the following notation:

  • $t$ indexes a team;
  • $p$ and $q$ index pods;
  • $g$ indexes a game;
  • $s$ indexes a slot (and $s'$ is the other slot of the same game);
  • $c$ is a jersey color (0 for white, 1 for black).

Since I am using Java, all indexing is zero-based. Slots are numbered so that game 0 has slots 0 (white) and $G$ (black), game 1 has slots 1 (white) and $G+1$ (black), etc., where $G=N(N-1)/4$ is the number of games. I will denote by $T_p$ the set of teams $t$ containing pod $p$.

The model variables are as follows.

  • $x_{ts}\in \lbrace 0,1\rbrace$ is 1 if team $t$ plays in slot $s,$ 0 if not.
  • $y_{pqs}\in \lbrace 0,1\rbrace$ is 1 if pod $p$ is playing in slot $s$ and is opposed by pod $q.$
  • $z_{pg}\in \lbrace 0,1\rbrace$ is the color jersey worn by pod $p$ at the conclusion of game $g$ (regardless of whether or not $p$ played in game $g$).
  • $w_{pg}\in \lbrace 0,1\rbrace$ is 1 if pod $p$ changes jersey color going into game $g,$ 0 if not.

The objective is to minimize $\sum_p \sum_g w_{pg}.$ The constraints are the following.

  • Every team plays exactly once. $$\sum_s x_{ts} = 1 \quad\forall t.$$
  • Every schedule slot is filled exactly once. $$\sum_t x_{ts} = 1 \quad\forall s.$$
  • Pods $p$ and $q$ oppose each other with $p$ in slot $s$ if and only if $p$ is playing in $s$ and $q$ is playing in $s'$. $$y_{pqs} \le \sum_{t\in T_p} x_{ts} \quad\forall p, q\neq p, s.$$ $$y_{pqs} \le \sum_{t\in T_q} x_{ts'} \quad\forall p, q\neq p, s.$$ $$y_{pqs} \ge \sum_{t\in T_p} x_{ts} + \sum_{t\in T_q} x_{ts'} - 1 \quad\forall p, q\neq p, s.$$
  • Every pair of pods opposes each other exactly twice. $$\sum_s y_{pqs} = 2 \quad \forall p\neq q.$$
  • No pod plays consecutive games in different jerseys.$$\sum_{t\in T_p}\left( x_{t,s-1} + x_{t,s'} \right) \le 1 \quad \forall p, \forall s\notin \lbrace 0, G\rbrace.$$
  • A pod playing in a game has its jersey color determined by its team's slot. (This has the desirable side effect of preventing two teams containing the same pod from playing against each other.) $$\sum_{t\in T_p} x_{t, g+G} \le z_{pg} \le 1 - \sum_{t\in T_p} x_{t,g} \quad \forall p,g.$$(Note that for any game index $g$, slot $g$ is the white slot in game $g$ and slot $g+G$ is the black slot.)
  • A pod's color for any game (playing or not) is the same as its color for the previous game, unless a change occurs. $$z_{p, g-1} - w_{pg} \le z_{pg} \le z_{p, g-1} + w_{pg} \quad\forall p, \forall g \ge 1.$$

In the next post, I will try to articulate my CP model for the problem.

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