Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Finding All Simple Cycles (I)

This is the first of a sequence of posts related to the question of finding all simple cycles in an undirected graph. Motivation for the posts comes from a question on OR Stack Exchange. A simple cycle is a cycle with no repeated nodes (other than the starting/ending node).

Assume we have an undirected graph with nodes indexed from 1 to $N$ and with edge set $E.$ I will use the term "anchor" to refer to the node at which a tour of a simple cycle starts (and ends), and require (without loss of generality) that the anchor of every cycle be the lowest index node in the cycle. Since a cycle is the same whether you traverse it "clockwise" or "counterclockwise", I will also require without loss of generality that nodes in a cycle be listed so that the node immediately after the anchor has smaller index than the node immediately before the anchor. This is just to reduce production of duplicate cycles.

I came up with three approaches to finding all simple cycles. The first, which I will describe below, is a simple iterative scheme that is the fastest. The other two, described in subsequent posts, use mixed integer linear programs (MILPs) -- not because they are efficient but because the OR SE question specifically asked about MILP approaches. I will describe those in subsequent posts.

The iterative scheme is pretty simple. It uses a queue of paths (incomplete cycles) to store work in progress. I will use "terminus" to indicate the last node in a path. When the terminus equals the anchor, we have a cycle. Due to my definition of "anchor", we can say that no node on a path can have a lower index than the anchor of the path.

The iterative scheme loops over possible anchors from 1 to $N.$ For each anchor, we initialize the queue with all paths consisting of a single edge incident at the anchor and not incident at any node less than the anchor. While the queue is not empty, we pop a path and create one or more new paths by extending that path with each qualifying edge. A qualifying edge is one that meets the following conditions:

  • it is incident at the terminus of the current path;
  • it is not incident at any node already on the path (other than anchor);
  • it is not incident at any node less than the anchor; and
  • if it is incident at the anchor, it is not the same as the first edge of the path (i.e., we do not allow a "cycle" of the form $a\rightarrow b \rightarrow a$).

If the new edge leads to the anchor, we have a cycle. If not, we update the terminus and add the extended path to the queue, for further processing later. If a path cannot be extended because it is not a cycle and there are no qualifying edges left, we discard it.

Coding the algorithm is pretty straightforward, and it should work on any undirected graph (even those that are not connected). On the example from the OR SE post (9 nodes, 12 edges) it took a whopping 11 milliseconds to find all 13 simple cycles.

Java code for this and the two MILP models (the latter requiring a recent version of CPLEX) can be found in my GitLab repository. The iterative algorithm is in the CycleFinder class. Stay tuned for the MILP models.

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